The history of Agro Fleur Select goes back about 55 years, when Kees de Jong started the nursery. He focused on growing Cyclamen. The company gradually switched to summer flowers; Alstroemeria, Nerine and tulips. When daughter Kitty joined the business some 25 years ago, she decided to further specialize the nursery. And for over 30 years Agro Fleur Select breeds, cultivates and trades in world class Nerines. From August to November they offer high quality Nerines in large and small volumes.
After a decade of growing Nerines, Kitty is far from tired of these elegant flowers. “Of all the flowers we have ever grown, I feel most connected to Nerine. Nerine is really feminine, and they’re sure to make the difference in any bouquet!” Nerines are sought after flowers all over the world. Kitty: “The largest sales market is the Netherlands and Europe, where florists put them to good use. But many Nerines also find their way to Japan.”

Environmentally conscious
Kitty: “If you select the strongest varieties and bulbs, and take good care of your cultivation soil, then flowers are much less vulnerable during cultivation. And that means you won’t have to use any chemical agents. Our nursery wears the environmental certificates MPSA + and GLOBAL GAP.”
Agro Fleur Select grows a wide range of flowers. The color palette includes pink, white, salmon and red, in countless subtle shades. And the premiums really stand out because of their quality, appearance and exclusivity: Amarine Belladiva, Nerine Bowdenii and Nerine Elegance, to name a few.
New varieties
Thanks to the in-house breeding and selection programs at Agro Fleur Select, new varieties are added with regularity. “We are always looking for new varieties,” says Kitty. “It takes a lot of time, developing a new variety may take up to 10 – 12 years. You need that time to test enough and to propagate the bulbs, so that you can supply the market with flowers.” But it is worth it, she adds. “We’re looking to bring beautiful new varieties to the market in the near future. For example, with more shine and a deeper red. Launching a new variety feels like a breakthrough, every time!”